hard gay
HAHAHHAHA I dun even noe why I'm bloggin about this cuz it's damn lame, but all those of you who have broadband internet, you can go to www.youtube.com and search for "hard gay english" (it's nothing dirty like it sounds, I promise you), and click and watch the very first video that comes up, or else known as the RAMEN video. Apparently it's ruddy funny. My siblings introduced me to it and I've been waiting for AGES on my dial up internet for it to load and only have caught a bit, but it looks pretty lame yet funny already. I duno, have a check if you're bored. It's actually a Japanese entertainment show (but there are English subtitles). If you like the first one, you can go watch the other ones titled "TOMY 1" and "TOMY 2". Apparently they are funny as well. Enjoy!!
Yinny was Joshing around @ 1:42 AM